Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Bean Stands Alone

So, Bean can now add "proficient in standing" to his ever-growing resume. Naturally, T and I are thrilled!

One of my favorite things about these milestones is how much you're forced to acknowledge even the--let's face it--most basic achievement. Bean will stand, but he insists on screaming in jubilation every time he does it, and he grins at you in that way that demands you clap and shout and jump up and down and generally share in his triumph the way babies do, by being way, way over the top about it.

And so we oblige, and this makes me think of one of my favorite "What if?" games. What if you treated everyone the way you treat your kid? At work, that might look something like this (and you've probably seen it before, in bad movies if not in real life):

COWORKER: I went ahead and booked that meeting room for us.
YOU: (in squealy voice, applauding and jumping up and down) Oh my god! You did it! You go! You amaze me! You are such a big, big boy! I have to get the camera! T, where is it? Where's the camera? I have to take pictures of this moment!

Is this how sarcasm was born? Did a bunch of parents start thinking it would be funny to treat everyone in the world this way?

Anyway, congratulations, Bean, on graduating from being 30 inches long to 2'6" tall. And, of course, on pushing the cats one step closer toward a collective mental collapse and on making sure your parents remember to celebrate the things worth celebrating.


LC Tofu said...

Wooohoooo! We are so proud of El Bean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

N said...

Go Bean!

Since Axel is just three months and has no idea what I'm reading, I've decided it's fine to read anything to him - but I always seem to read in a super-enthusiastic kindergarten teacher voice, so I end up saying, "Listen to this, baby," followed by a bubbly-voiced sentence about casualties in the Civil War.